Archive: 24/05/2016

More than a myth: Drink spiking happens

Google the term "spiked drink," and you'll get more than 11 million hits, directing you to pages that describe being slipped a mickey, tips on how to avoid becoming a victim and even kits to test drinks for illicit drugs. ...

Hospitals not learning from measuring infections

Suffering from an infection during a hospital stay is a common care-related injury. To prevent spreading and to work preventively, all hospitals measure the occurrence of care-related infections. But the time-consuming measurements ...

Facebooking your doctor's appointment

Telemedicine, which allows doctors to communicate, diagnose and even treat their patients remotely is on the rise thanks to advances in information technology. It allows healthcare workers to securely monitor patients in ...

May repairs full of mistakes develop into cancer?

A group of researchers at Osaka University found that if DNA damage response (DDR) does not work when DNA is damaged by radiation, proteins which should be removed remain instead, and a loss of genetic information can be ...

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