Archive: 03/10/2016

How much gluten is in foods labelled 'gluten free'?

A study by The University of Western Australia of foods labelled 'gluten-free' published this week in the Medical Journal of Australia has found that some produced overseas do not comply with the Australian standard that ...

Another perspective on New Zealand's midwifery care

It is important for the public and health workforce to reflect carefully on the results of a study on midwifery care released this week, according to a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the University of Auckland.

Zika Virus in the Southeast

As of the end of July 2016, there have been 1,658 cases of Zika virus infections diagnosed in the United States. It is believed that most of these infections were contracted outside the United States. While the Zika virus ...

Cancer mortality differs among Asian ethnic groups

The growing Asian American population in the United States presents a diverse set of health behaviors and health outcomes, and may benefit from cancer prevention and screening efforts tailored to specific Asian ethnic groups, ...

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